storing furniture

Need more space... Move or Store?

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As we grow we tend to accumulate things, whether it be furniture, souvenirs that remind us of happy times, gifts or, most importantly, new family members. Making the decision to upgrade to a larger house or apartment is not easy given the costs involved with extra rent or mortgage, moving costs and not to mention the cost of added stress on your life.

Sometimes it may be easier to stay put for the time being and move your excess belongings into temporary storage until a time where you’re financially and mentally ready.

Here are some things to consider…


Financial cost.gif

1. Weigh up the financial cost:

Moving to a larger home:

  • Additional rent/mortgage. A larger space will cots more.
  • Time off work to move and set up your new home.
  • Removalist or truck hire. Removalists can be useful and will save you a lot of time, but they come at a cost. If you’re going to DIY, you’ll need to hire a small truck of van to move your large items.
  • Bond or home deposit and associated buying costs. You’ll need to front up this cash before you can move into your new home. Sure, you may get a refund on you previous rental, or realise a capital gain form the sale of your previous home, but this won’t come until after you’ve moved. You’ll need to arrange finance for this time between.
  • Packaging for moving house - includes boxes, bubble wrap, packing blankets, etc.
  • Cleaning costs, whether you hire a cleaner or take time out to do it yourself, you will want to give your old home a final clean and your new home a good once over before moving in. This could mean a day or two of cleaning fees, or a time off work.

Storing offsite:

    • Monthly storage fees
    • Time off work (or your weekend) to move your stuff into storage. If you use mobile storage you’ll save on this time because we bring the storage to you!
    • Packaging. You’ll want to make sure your belongings are stored safely so using quality packaging materials and packing the right way is important.



    2. Weigh up the mental cost

    Moving to a larger home:

    • Your options for a larger home may mean moving away from your current area, friends, family or proximity to services.
    • Taking time off work may eat into your annual leave, depriving you of that much needed holiday.
    • Moving can be stressful, are you ready for the move?

    Storing offsite:

    • Staying where you are may feel like you're stagnating your life, sometimes a move to a new home can be good for state of mind.
    • Will you be ok travelling to access your belongings from offsite storage?

    Getting Ready to Store


    Here are some helpful tips on wrapping your valuables and breakables so that they don’t get damaged while in storage.


    • Dismantle any furniture if possible. Can the legs be easily removed from your table?

    • Don’t move wardrobes, drawers, tall boys etc while full. They are very heavy and you could cause damage to yourself or the furniture.

    • Don’t place soft furniture directly on the floor of the box, use plastic or sheets to protect your furniture.

    • Clothing and personal goods should be packed in strong cartons.

    • Stack chairs seat to seat with cloth or paper separating them.

    • Wrap Cushions in plastic.

    • Dismantling heavy furniture can also make it easier to carry.

    • Place a plastic cover or sheet over all furniture, especially sofa's, recliners and anything valuable.


    • Empty, clean and dry all white goods before storing (fridges, freezers, microwaves, etc).

    • Maintain freshness by placing a deodoriser inside fridges or freezers is also a good idea to prevent stale odours.

    • Packing items inside the fridge or freezer may damage the interior lining, so best to keep them empty.

    • To prevent mould, leave doors slightly ajar.

    Glass and Breakables

    • Wrap all breakable items separately in newspaper, tissue paper or bubble wrap. Place them gently into a sturdy box and clearly mark the outside of the box: "Fragile".

    • Some items may stain when wrapped in newspaper, so tissue paper or bubble wrap may be more suitable for porous items.

    • Place bubble wrap in the top and bottom of cartons for added protection.
      Plates, saucers and bowls are best individually wrapped and stored on their side on to prevent any breakage.

    • Fill any empty space with packing material.

    • Ensure you haven't stacked heavy items on top of cartons containing breakables.
      Pictures and mirrors should be wrapped in cardboard or proper picture/mirror cartons.

    Electronic Items

    • Ensure all electronic equipment is clean and dry before storing.

    • If it comes with a remote, don’t forget to pack this with the electronic item.

    • If you’ve kept the original boxes, these are ideal. If you don’t have the original packaging use a sturdy box with plenty of padding.

    • Remember to pack your electronic items on top of heavier items, but not in a position where they may fall and be damaged.

    Metal Items

    • Prevent rust by wiping chrome or cast iron with a little machine oil. A few drops of oil on other metal items such as tools will also prolong their life.

    • Keep these items separate so that they don’t come in contact with furniture or other fragile items. They could stain or scratch.

    • Prevent tarnishing by wrapping silver in NON ACID tissue paper or a plastic bag.

    What you can't store

    • For the safety of other customers we ask that you refrain from storing any hazardous materials, including items that are, illegal, poisonous, inflammable, explosive, environmentally harmful, perishable or that are a risk to the property or any person.

    • Check our terms and conditions for the full list of prohibited goods.

    General Tips:

    • Once everything is packed, move everything you want to store into a designated space. This way to can gauge how much space you have and you’ll be less likely to forget something when it comes time to pack the box. This is also a great idea for moving house and keeping your stuff safe.

    • Label your boxes. You will thank yourself later when you go looking for something. Remember to make sure the labeling is clear when you pack the box, so that when you come to unpack, you can see the labels easily when you open the door.